Monday, August 22, 2011

"Star Wars" By Jack Graddy Age 4

Jack sat down and drew a few pictures, found the stapler and stapled the right hand side of the paper as you can see in the 1st picture and looked at me and said, "I wrote a book, would you like to hear the words?" After he read me his book I asked if we could share it and he was amazed at the scanning in process but thrilled he could share his words with his daddy!

Once upon a time there was an old man and a big guy and the old man was named Yoga. The big guy was named Anakin and Anakin said "Yoda do you want to go out to the park?" Yoda said "Yes!" They were so tired at home they took a nap. This is Luke and he runs down to the park. Then he was playing at the park but he was getting tired and he went home and rested and then he went back. This time he went a different way to the park and on the way he was walking and being quiet and picking berries and Darth Vader showed up and Luke hit him with his light saber and Darth Vader died. But all the Storm troopers were there fighting in a group but Luke was fighting them all. Some of the storm troopers were still on Darth Vader's ship. Hans Solo and Princess Leia started dropping bombs on the storm troopers and the ship was exploding but a storm trooper made it to a secret ship. Luke showed up and whacked everyone down and won. Hans Solo and Princess Leia came along and asked Luke how he got here and Luke told them all about Darth Vader and they were happy! They all went to the park. THE END

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