Saturday, December 27, 2008


We were thrilled when it snowed on Christmas Eve to make the White Christmas we had been hoping for! Hope everyone had a wonderful holiday! Merry Christmas!
Love, Jessie and family

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Breakfast with Santa

Jacks Smile Ella and her pal Meg

We had a blast this morning having a pancake breakfast and doing crafts and then getting to meet Santa! Jack was so funny in line he couldnt wait and he would walk up to santa before it was his turn. I wasnt able to get the shot but he walked up with his arms out for santa to hold him, so cute! We had trouble at the 2 year mark for both the girls...they both cried at 2 when they saw Santa, so we were relieved when Jack had fun! Ella told Santa to get Jack a truck and she wanted Kit the American Girl, so cute. Sadly, Maddie wasnt interested this year, so hard when they start to grow up! Merry Christmas Love Jessie and family

Making ornaments

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Park Fun

Playing at the park was a ton of fun! This park is called Dikman park and is right by our home. We call it the alligator park. Thought I would share some pictures! Jessie

Happy Halloween

Hi there! Halloween was so much fun and I wanted to share some photos with everyone! As you can see, Maddie is a butterfly, Ella a ballerina and Jack Yoda! We were able to get some pumpkins and carve them, Jack enjoyed all the goo and even trick or treat at the American Embassy! We had a nice night! The monkey in one of the pictures is Jacks best buddy Jack also! Take care, Jessie

Friday, October 10, 2008


Our last stop before heading home was in Perge, an ancient city dated back to the Bronze Ages, the kids enjoyed climbing and Jack loved throwing rocks, it was a nice Chance to see history and stretch our legs! Jessie

Tree House

On the way home we stopped at a town near Olympos and stayed in a tree house! That night Bryan and the girls (Jack was sound asleep) went with a few friends on a night hike and saw flames coming out of the mountain!

Blue Cruise

We just returned from a Blue Cruise and this is the boat we stayed on for 4 days with another family. We departed from Fethiye and headed down the Mediterranean stopping at butterfly valley, a lagoon, Kalkan, Kas for a night and the sunken city and castle tour and stopped in Demre. The kids were outstanding and we swam every chance we could. The view was breathtaking the entire time and we enjoyed breaking in Cas for a night and walking around and playing at a park to head back to the boat! Our crew was amazing and our meals were delicious, it was a blast! There is a picture of Maddie under an olive tree, pretty cool...the friend with us ate one and later I read they were poisonous before they are pickled, he seems okay!?? The picture of the water is from a theatre in Cas we walked to...Jack and Ella are in front of the castle we climbed to later the next day.
The kids were great with the swimming, the water was a bit cold and we had to climb down a ladder to get to water, not sure if you can tell it is pretty far down from the swimming picture of Bryan and the girls. One day Bryan asked Jack to jump to him when he was in the water and can you believe it, Jack jumped right in and Bryan said he looked surprised because it was pretty far down and then his face hit the water and he got wet and cried for a few minutes, we still cant believe he just jumped in like that, crazy! Maddie saw that Jack just jumped in and she too jumped from the top of the ladder, we couldn't believe her bravery and want her to know how courageous that was, awesome Mad Dog!!! Unfortunately, her face hit the water hard and her nose started to bleed...later she tells me it was the worst thing that has ever happened to her....again, we cant believe how amazingly brave she was for even jumping in the first place! Please keep us posted on everything in your neck of the woods, we miss you all!
Jessie and family

Monday, September 29, 2008

Balkar Mountains

Here are some pictures from the labor day camping trip. We had a blast and hopefully soon I will get some pictures from when I climbed to the top, doesnt Bryan look great? It was a 5 hour hike to the top of the mountain for Bryan! Love, Jessie PS in the picture of the girls they are with a friend, another Jack!

Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Vacation Time

Can you spot Maddie and Bryan in the water?

Kalken overview shot

We had a blast driving down to the Med again this year! We started in a town called Kalken and on to Cas and Side and then headed camping for the long weekend. Near Kalken we were able to hike in a gorge, it was awesome and have lunch on the water after. In Cas we went on a glass bottom boat and saw a sunken city and swam in the open waters! Camping was amazing, sadly our camera was dead (friends promised to email pictures), but we hiked about an hour and then set up camp with some other families. Bryan and I took turns climbing mountains with a guide each day! We are happy and glad to be home but so thankful we were able to spend a wonderful week together. We miss you all and want to ask you to have Grandma V in your prayers. Much love, Jessie and family