The kids and I woke up to SNOW! It started snowing this morning at 6am and didnt stop until after lunch. It is the super pretty fluffy kind, how fun! It seems weird to look at pumpkins covered with snow! Love, Jessie
The Military has monthly gatherings for families that have a member deployed. This month the kids were able to have some Halloween fun! They first walked into a field and picked a pumpkin, Jack kept asking me to take his picture, haha! Then they went inside and decorated the pumpkins. They also were able to color pictures, decorate sugar cookies and take home a toy. Maddie, Jack and Eleanor all chose FANGS! We had a blast! Then we headed over to the base pumpkin fest! Love, jessie
The base had a pumpkin fest where the kids were able to go on a hay ride and pick a pumpkin and they also enjoyed the pumpkin obstacle course! Love, Jessie
Last night we went to Jack's school for the fall carnival and had a blast. The kids played games and got candy, they sprayed their hair and got face painting. Maddie won the cakewalk 3 times and all the kids won a 2 liter of soda....we went home with tons of stuff! Jack told me that this was just like Halloween! Eleanor asked if Jack could stay at this school next year so we could go again, haha! Love, Jessie
My Dad and Patricia are visiting Clovis and the kids were thrilled when they found out their hotel had a pool! The kids had a blast in the hot tub and pool! Thanks Holiday Inn and Grandma and Grandpa! Love, Jessie
Jack had a soccer game and I gave the girls the camera for the hour. When we got home there were over 160 pictures taken and even some videos. Jack is Number 5 and kicked and played hard in the game. He plays 3 on 3 with no goalies and the coaches are the referees. I had fun with the whistle! Jack even scored a goal, GO Jack! Special thanks to my Dad who was able to come and cheer Jack on! Love, Jessie